About the project

Kaipumakani — ‘the wind gourd’ — a sacred gourd in which La‘amaomao kept all the winds of Hawai‘i.

Kaipumakani.org is the project site for Mukurtu @ Hawai‘i, a regional Hub supporting the development of the Mukurtu Content Management System (CMS) in communities in Hawai‘i and the Pacific.

Mukurtu CMS has been adopted by dozens of Indigenous communities across the world. It allows communities to easily manage digital heritage content in a culturally appropriate way. Mukutu CMS provides:

  • Local cultural protocols to provide granular access parameters for digital heritage content;
  • Flexible templates that adapt to various indigenous stakeholder needs;
  • Traditional knowledge fields customizable for curating content alongside standard Dublin Core metadata fields;
  • An innovative set of Traditional Knowledge labels that work with traditional copyright and Creative Commons licenses to better serve Indigenous needs; and
  • A safe, secure, free and open source platform for managing digital cultural heritage materials online and offline

The Kaipumakani project provides:

  • Training in the use of Mukurtu CMS
  • Assistance with digital heritage collection management
  • Assistance with digitization projects
  • Test deployment on our Mukurtu test server

Please contact us if you are interested in trying Mukurtu in your community.

