Workshop on Digital Cultural Heritage Preservation
Introduction to Mukurtu CMS
Two sessions (participants must choose one or the other)
- Friday, February 2, 8:30 AM-3:30 PM
- Saturday, February 3, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Note: due to overwhelming interest in the Mukurtu CMS we have restructured the workshop to offer two separate one-day Mukurtu sessions rather than a single two-day workshop. Participant may attend only one of these session.
This workshop is open to anyone who currently works with or has an interest in working with cultural heritage preservation. It will be particularly useful to representatives of community-based cultural institutions who are looking for ways to effectively digitize collections and manage existing digital collections. The second day of the workshop will be devoted to hands-on training with the Mukurtu Content Management System.
Survey: please complete this pre-workshop survey which will help us to tailor the program to the needs of the participants.
Registration for this workshop is closed.
Travel scholarships available for participants from neighbor islands. Please contact us if you are interested in a travel scholarship.
Please bring a laptop if you are able to. Internet access will be provided.
Tentative Program
- Introductions and agenda
- Overview of Mukurtu CMS
- Introduction to Communities, Cultural Protocols, and Categories in Mukurtu
- User Roles and Responsibilities
- Activity: “Mukurtu Bags” Communities, Cultural Protocols, and Categories
- Demo: Uploading Media Assets
- Demo: Creating a Digital Heritage Item
- Demo: Mukurtu Dictionary
- Activity: Create your own Digital Heritage Item
- Activity: Create your own Dictionary Entry
- Demo: Community Records and Traditional Knowledge Labels
- Demo: Person Records and Media Content Warnings
- Demo: Collections and Book Pages
- Activity: Mukurtu Mobile
- Discussion and practice time
- How to Get Mukurtu CMS
- Evaluations
Hālau ʻĪnana, 2438 S Beretania St, Honolulu
Parking is available Diamond Head side of Hālau ʻĪnana at the Japanese Cultural Center. Bring your parking ticket so that we can validate it.
- Nā Hawai‘i ‘Imi Loa
- Kaipumakani Mukurtu Hubs & Spokes Project
- Sustainable Heritage Network
- Institute of Museum and Library Services
- Hālau ‘Īnana